EFS shaft bagsEFS bulkFOAMPLUGspray foam sealant (SFS)

FOAMPLUG™ can be used to stem blast holes, plug breakout holes over old works or in sill-pillars, plug core holes to reduce shotgunning, pack overhand holes to prevent emulsion slippage, and seal pre-drilled holes prior to loading. FOAMPLUG™ has also been used to plug surface drill holes to prevent surface water infiltration.

Core Holes

Core holes of any diameter or depth can be plugged either on surface or underground. Underground, FOAMPLUG™ can be pumped down a drill string or placed with loading poles at various depths to reduce "shotgunning." FOAMPLUG™ has also been used to consolidate ground in lost circulation zones. Surface core holes can be plugged at any depth above the water line to reduce surface water infiltration or isolate interleaving aquifers.

Pouring shaft bag down a core hole Core hole filled to surface


Blast Holes

Blast holes of any diameter or depth can be plugged with FOAMPLUG™. FOAMPLUG™ can hold up to 3000 pounds of explosives in breakout holes. FOAMPLUG™ can be used to deck around mud seams or voids or to reduce scaled distance for vibration control. Underground, FOAMPLUG™ can be used to retain emulsion in overhand holes or prevent debris infiltration on downholes.

Typical FOAMPLUG with outer bag Highwall pre-split with an air-deck using FOAMPLUG Inserting FOAMPLUG for stemming underground


Air Decking

FOAMPLUG™ can be used to create single or multiple air decks in vertical or horizontal holes. Air decking is a technique used to pre-split roofs (backs), ribs, pillars, and high walls. Powder reductions of up to 80% have been achieved in decked holes underground.


Horizontal Stemming

FOAMPLUG™ is also used to stem horizontal holes underground and in demolition work. In fact, you can increase the pull up to 20% by simply stemming the cut holes in your round. You can also improve overall fragmentation by stemming part or all of the round, including slab rounds.


Roof shot with ANFO and FOAMDECK technique to achieve trim blast results Ribs/pillars shot with FOAMDECK technique, note half-barrels
"A" Component
"R" Component
Winter 2010
Fall 2010
"The product is simple to use, extremely effective and well engineered."
-Ed Winchester, Frontier Enviro[...] (full)
Foam Concepts LLC
4255 S. Eagleson Rd
Boise, ID 83705

Phone: 800.556.9641
Fax: 877.327.1196