Mine features

Mine featuresSubsidence featuresCulverts and bat gatesWells and sinkholesPipes, tanks, and slabsBlasting and hole pluggingGround sealing

Foam can be used in mine shafts and raises at both abandoned and idle/closed properties. After plugging, the foam can be covered with rock, dirt, conrete, or shotcrete. Click images to enlarge:

Hardrock adit Shaft with vent pipe
Timbered shaft and hoist house ready for foam Coal adit/portal in sandstone
False bottom in two-compartment lined shaft Foam in lined shaft
Final lift of adit closure False bottom using re-bar and plastic in shaft
Inclided portal in coal prior to foaming Timber false bottom in vent raise
"A" Component
"R" Component
Winter 2010
Fall 2010
"Foam Concepts supplied PUF for much of the BLM SNPLMA reclamation project in Nevada."
Foam Concepts LLC
4255 S. Eagleson Rd
Boise, ID 83705

Phone: 800.556.9641
Fax: 877.327.1196