Wells and sinkholes

Mine featuresSubsidence featuresCulverts and bat gatesWells and sinkholesPipes, tanks, and slabsBlasting and hole pluggingGround sealing

Foam can be used in wells and sinkholes. This can eliminate a physical hazard as well as reduce surface water infiltration and continued erosion from surface run-off. Click images to enlarge:

Hand dug well Foam in well
Backfilled well closure Surface opeing over karst feature
Foam sealing karst feature at top of stone layer More foam in sinkholes
Erosion opening parallel to river bank Foam plug in river bank
"A" Component
"R" Component
Winter 2010
Fall 2010
"Foam Concepts is a principal supplier of PUF to the US Forest Service."
Foam Concepts LLC
4255 S. Eagleson Rd
Boise, ID 83705

Phone: 800.556.9641
Fax: 877.327.1196